Types of Inspections Offered

Buyer's Inspection

A buyer’s inspection is typically conducted right after the contract. Sometimes, it can be done prior to signing the contract. It is crucial that the contract has a contingency clause based on the home inspection, which legally protects the buyer if any major issues are found in the inspection report. This report can also serve as a tool for the buyer to negotiate with the seller based on discrepancies found. Most importantly, an unbiased home inspection serves to protect the buyer while making such a large investment.

Seller's Inspection

The seller of a home will often have their home inspected before listing. By inspecting your house before negotiating with a potential buyer, your home can sell much faster and for a higher price without any renegotiation. The buyer will also receive a detailed inspection report about the condition of the home so that they can be confident and reassured during the selling process. A pre-listing home inspection will also allow you to find any defects and implement a solution ahead of time, preventing any surprises later on.

New Construction Inspection: Phase I (Pre-Pour)

Also called a pre-pour inspection, the Phase I inspection for new constructions involves ensuring that all the prep work is completed for the property before the concrete is poured. We examine whether your home is getting a proper foundation and strong structure for years of support. Some areas we look for include the roots and rocks, vapor barrier, sleeving and installation of rough plumbing penetrations, and proper sill anchor installation.

New Construction Inspection: Phase II (Pre-Drywall)

In the next phase of a new construction inspection, we inspect your home's frame systems. Your frame systems include the structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems of your home. During the structural inspection, we inspect the framing, load bearing, roofing system, and all roof penetrations, as well as all the electrical wiring and connections behind the walls. In the mechanical inspection, we inspect the furnace, air conditioner, water heater, and any other mechanical systems. Finally, we check your plumbing by inspecting visible pipes and connections to fixtures to ensure that there are nail guards installed and no water leaks.

New Construction Inspection: Final

At the final phase of a new home construction, your home is fully built and functional. We inspect your entire home's structure, mechanical systems, and plumbing systems. We also check your flooring, appliances, and any other options included in your home build. The final inspection serves to ensure that your entire home is in full working condition and without safety concerns.

11th Month Warranty Inspection

Most new homes have builder warranties that cover your home’s important systems and appliances but expire within a year. At the 11th month, we recommend you to complete a home inspection in order to catch defects that need to be repaired while the warranty is still in force. If any issues are found in the inspection report during this period, the builders will be held accountable and cover your expenses. Therefore, it is wise to identify, document, and take action for even minor problems.

Commercial Inspection

Intelli Home Inspection specializes in inspecting a wide range of commercial properties, from industrial spaces to apartment buildings. Whether you're investing in a 600 unit apartment complex or a large commercial campus, we recommend you to conduct a home inspection to identify immediate and deferred maintenance repairs. Our commercial inspections include pre-purchase, pre-lease, and post-lease inspections to inform property owners and investors with the details to help them make the right financial decision.