Basement foundation: This type of foundation is most commonly found in areas with cold winters where concrete footings of foundation are required to be five or more feet deep from the ground level, so they will not be moved by water or freezing ground in the winter. Because soil pressure increases with depth, a foundation wall below the grade must be strong enough. The Foundation wall can be constructed of poured concrete, cinder block, concrete block, brick, or wood.
Pro: It can provide underground spaces for extra living rooms as well as locations for storage, furnace, and water heaters.
Con: Basement flooding can be caused by heavy rain when the house has the following issues: foundation cracks, poor drainage system around the house (negative grade, clogged gutters or downspouts), lack or malfunctioning of sump pump, sanitary or storm sewer backup, and so on. Because the basement is vulnerable to water intrusion, the basement will become humid and favorable to growing mold.
As shown in the frost line map above, basements are not common in Texas where the frost line is less than a foot depth. Most common type of house foundation in Texas is either slab foundation or pier and beam foundation.